What your cells want you to know

Cradle_of_Humankind_039Your cells want you to know that they are living, breathing, and sentient.

They want you to know that they hear everything you hear, see everything you see, and feel everything you feel.

They want you to know that they are affected by all the choices you make, from what you choose to eat, to who you choose to marry.

They want you to know that they want so much for your health and happiness, because when you are happy, they are happy.

They want you to know that yes, they do know the difference between happiness and sadness.

They want you to know that there is a beauty and order to all life, that is Divine.

They want you to know that the version of yourself you hold in your mind is the smallest fraction of how amazing you really are.

They want you to know that they believe in you and your dreams, that they will be there every step of the way.

They want you to know that when they are healthy and cared for, so is your life as a Whole.

They want you to know that even though the differences between each of them are numerous and complex, they still work together as one community.

They want you to know that it is the differences between you and everyone else that makes Life rich and rewarding.

They want you to know that your cells look like everyone else’s under the microscope.

They want you to know that true health comes from expressing your Divine purpose, whatever that may be.

They want you to know that they are resilient, and you don’t have to be afraid of everything you might see as negative or toxic, you can always recover.

They want you to know that your body is not an inexhaustible resource. That eventually, those resources will run out if not tended to and replenished.

They want you to know that when they start misbehaving, it is only to get your attention to an aspect of your life you have neglected for far too long.

They want you to know that even if they cause you to suffer, they are hoping to bring greater Love and Awareness into your life because you are just that important.

Your cells want you to know that you, as a single human being, are the Universe.


4 thoughts on “What your cells want you to know”

    1. 😛 Our thoughts and feelings are registered on a cellular level. We often blame our bodies rather than loving them. Glad I could offer a different perspective!

  1. O.M.G.
    I SO loved this blog, I will think of it often, you just made me understand my relationship with the rest of “me”
    Sending you much love & appreciation

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